
Presentations available for download

Radio interview on Classic Business Breakfast “Keeping communities alive after mine closures”, following a co-authored article on The Conversation. 17 July 2018

1001 SA Stories (podcast, 21 April 2018). This is a stunning initiative “1001 South African Stories is an oral history project that aims to fill gaps in our knowledge of South Africa.” Check them out on Soundcloud and Facebook

SABC3 Expresso Show: Saving water with a dry toilet (youtube 13 April 2018)

The hydro-politics of resilience (pdf, 2.5MB), an early exploration of the topic presented to the SAIIA. A video recording is available on the SAIIA facebook page (I’m roughly between 4 and 18 minutes) March 2018

Untitled (pdf, 3.5MB) keynote for Hack the Water Crisis

Interview on Cape Talk with John Maytham about dry toilets for #dayZero (podcast, 26 January 2018)

Keeping the loop in mind, presentation to the UCT Summer School (blog, 17 January 2018)

Sanitation in the context of Water Sensitive Design: The Waste(water) Biorefinery. (pdf, 5MB). Presentation given at the 2nd International Peri-Urban Conference, Cape Town, held 27 to 29 November 2017.

Alternative Water Treatment Systems (ppt, 16MB), talk given to the Cape Linux Users Group (CLUG). Meant as a handy reference guide with all the cool things I have found relating to the drought so far. The structure includes info about the drought, where we get water from and the risks of each source, a lot about how to treat that water and the issues with each option. I then give a bit of info about how to move on from there, and change the narrative from the drought to how to thrive in water scarcity – also check out AquaSavvy for more info. Please let me know if you’d like more info included, or what cool stuff you have found! It is in ppt form for easy re-use, please be respectful and reference back to the original source.

Useful things I keep looking for

Work related

WEDC Contemporary toilet designs

eawag Compendium of sanitation systems and technologies

State of the art compendium report on resource recovery from water (International Water Association (IWA)

Sanitation in the Circular Economy (Toilet Board Coalition)

Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation Planning (CLUES)

Fun related

Converting 3D printing models to faceted paper sculptures

Papercraft models

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