I had a call with a good friend and promised to send him some pics of my dogs on the island. Looking through the pics, the journey to befriend Bonzo is worthy of a published story.
Continue reading “For the love of a dog”What is the relationship you want for the future?
This popped up on my facebook today, a memory from 2019.
Continue reading “What is the relationship you want for the future?”Desenrascar
If there’s one phrase for me to sum up the Portuguese, or my love for them, it’s this word, Desenrascar.
Continue reading “Desenrascar”Riga, Latvia, November 2023
Graham and I went to Riga for an Ubuntu Community Summit on the weekend, and then I did the housewife in luxury thing while he was attending an engineering sprint during the week. My notes on the summit content is in a separate post.
Riga is a beautiful city, I think Latvians put Italians to shame when it comes to style (hot take) but Latvia is also very flat and the clouds moved in for winter and I think they’ll only see sun again in many many months.
Continue reading “Riga, Latvia, November 2023”The maths olympiad
Of people not realising your potential. I don’t know why this memory pops up so often, or why now. I guess because I’m watching an artsy movie about a young person struggling with anxiety.
Continue reading “The maths olympiad”Garden and home inspiration
Some notes as I psych up to start renovating.
Continue reading “Garden and home inspiration”September adventures part 2: Bus through spain, ferry, and Italy
After visiting the Alhambra in Granada, we took a bus along the coast, spending the night in Valencia before getting back on the bus to Barcelona, where we were getting on a ferry to Italy.
Continue reading “September adventures part 2: Bus through spain, ferry, and Italy”September adventures part 1: Alhambra in Granada
My Carver, my Azores
The Carver finally arrived, getting it shipped was a mission, probably availability related, and finding the right company. Seems like shipping things under 30kg is easy, and an entire car or container is easy, but the middle bit is a challenge, somehow. We ended up with Bentrans, and I recommend them. I bought this Base model (max 45kph) second-hand from Living Plus and Pedro is just great. We’re still deciding if I will upgrade to the faster S+ (max 90kph) and then either return or sell this one, but honestly the Base is doing just fine on these twisty roads.
Continue reading “My Carver, my Azores”Dra jou eie gewig
I’ve been spending more time with Afrikaners in the past weeks. It’s been hard.
Continue reading “Dra jou eie gewig”