Graham took out his earrings when he went in for some dental work, lost some of them, and we were wondering if the holes were still open. So I unpacked my earrings to lend him some, those not lost over the passage of time and many moves, and fell down a rabbithole in memory lane.
I had a call with a good friend and promised to send him some pics of my dogs on the island. Looking through the pics, the journey to befriend Bonzo is worthy of a published story.
Graham and I went to Riga for an Ubuntu Community Summit on the weekend, and then I did the housewife in luxury thing while he was attending an engineering sprint during the week. My notes on the summit content is in a separate post.
View from our room. The image does not do the golden dome and golden autumn leaves justice.
Riga is a beautiful city, I think Latvians put Italians to shame when it comes to style (hot take) but Latvia is also very flat and the clouds moved in for winter and I think they’ll only see sun again in many many months.
Of people not realising your potential. I don’t know why this memory pops up so often, or why now. I guess because I’m watching an artsy movie about a young person struggling with anxiety.
After visiting the Alhambra in Granada, we took a bus along the coast, spending the night in Valencia before getting back on the bus to Barcelona, where we were getting on a ferry to Italy.
Quick stop at the Parque Natural da Ribeira dos Caldeirões
The Carver finally arrived, getting it shipped was a mission, probably availability related, and finding the right company. Seems like shipping things under 30kg is easy, and an entire car or container is easy, but the middle bit is a challenge, somehow. We ended up with Bentrans, and I recommend them. I bought this Base model (max 45kph) second-hand from Living Plus and Pedro is just great. We’re still deciding if I will upgrade to the faster S+ (max 90kph) and then either return or sell this one, but honestly the Base is doing just fine on these twisty roads.