Raw highlights from INSPIRE report


European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Penninga, F., Lutz, M., Minghini, M., et al. (2021) INSPIRE, a public sector contribution to the European green deal data space : a vision for the technological evolution of Europe’s spatial data infrastructures for 2030. Publications Office of the European Union. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2760/8563

Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) must evolve from complex and highly specialised frameworks to more sustainable, flexible and agile data ecosystems, lowering the entry level to non-specialists and welcoming an increased participation from less traditional stakeholders (e.g. open source software communities, standardisation bodies and early adopters) in addition to data providers and users.

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Write-up: distribution for the bioeconomy workshop

This workshop was held at GreenCape on the 22nd of February 2019, the event description is available at a previous post: https://indiebio.co.za/distributed-bioeconomy/ The raw notes can be downloaded here. From the introduction it was clear that there is an emerging ecosystem and there are enough skills and ‘ecosystem components’ in the room and wider to make this work. There is enough of a realised need from higher income markets to test it out in a complex country like South Africa (as a nation, too high income to rely on donor funding, but too poor and with too weak governance to effect changes in the way a rich country would be able to, if it wanted to.)

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Sanitation systems as biorefineries: Dry toilets are the secret to the bioeconomy.

Separett asked me to write a piece for them, but didn’t think this first draft was appropriate for what they intended. I like it, so here it is. (The second draft was even better 🙂 )

A quick snap of a poster at the Separett factory. Not the best quality and couldn’t find a similar thing online, but this really captures what dry toilets represent to me.

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Bio-economy, Green Economy and the Circular Economy – same same?

It’s confusing, isn’t it? They are mostly political terms, so the exact definitions are probably non-existent, but let’s settle for vague. I do think they’re different and important to distinguish, so here’s my stab at explaining what the differences are between bio-, green and the circular economy, and then I throw in water sensitive design as a bonus. Oh, and distributed. That’s what all of these have in common. This is just my opinion, of course.

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