Sanitation systems as biorefineries: Dry toilets are the secret to the bioeconomy.

Separett asked me to write a piece for them, but didn’t think this first draft was appropriate for what they intended. I like it, so here it is. (The second draft was even better 🙂 )

A quick snap of a poster at the Separett factory. Not the best quality and couldn’t find a similar thing online, but this really captures what dry toilets represent to me.

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Bio-economy, Green Economy and the Circular Economy – same same?

It’s confusing, isn’t it? They are mostly political terms, so the exact definitions are probably non-existent, but let’s settle for vague. I do think they’re different and important to distinguish, so here’s my stab at explaining what the differences are between bio-, green and the circular economy, and then I throw in water sensitive design as a bonus. Oh, and distributed. That’s what all of these have in common. This is just my opinion, of course.

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DiF UnSchool’s Creative Change Makers

Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF)
UnSchool’s Creative Change Makers session

I’m participating in the DIF, in the unschool session number 3 . The DIF is an online platform that aims to inspire action towards a circular economy, with a focus on Cities in Transition (etc). This is a result of a previous session I gave to the Unschool crowd in Cape Town, presentation at this post.

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