Just as I really get into FOSS, I’m told it’s over.
Continue reading “The End of FLOSS as we know it?!”Mark Shuttleworth on Trust.
At the recent Ubuntu Community Summit, I asked Mark for advice on how we tackle trust in the metaverse:
The slides for my talk at DebConf22: https://indiebio.co.za/interoperability-metaverse-debian.html
Video recording: https://debconf22.debconf.org/talks/14-interoperability-and-the-metaverse-positioning-debian-in-the-emerging-ecosystem/
Pdf of slides (18MB) : https://indiebio.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/14-interoperability-and-the-metaverse-positioning-debian-in-the-emerging-ecosystem.pdf
Continue reading “interoperability-metaverse-debian”