This post was inspired by Christoff Beddow’s post “From Map Making to World Building“

Logo, and mascot.
I’ve been wracking my brain how to combat misinformation, how to get people to understand the incredibly (even to professionals) complex interplay of natural resource management, guiding people to take responsible action in the face of climate change, true sustainability, … I acknowledge, accept and embrace that it takes time. We need to complicate the narrative, give people time to play with the data in a way that is accessible, engaging, fun. But how?! I think 3D is critical, there is just too much to convey on a single plane. My short hand for what I want to create is the metaverse. Our working project name is peduncle, and Siri made a beautiful logo for it!
Continue reading “World-building the real world. Part 1: The (personal) WHY.”