Sanitation systems as biorefineries: Dry toilets are the secret to the bioeconomy.

Separett asked me to write a piece for them, but didn’t think this first draft was appropriate for what they intended. I like it, so here it is. (The second draft was even better 🙂 )

A quick snap of a poster at the Separett factory. Not the best quality and couldn’t find a similar thing online, but this really captures what dry toilets represent to me.

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Keeping the loop in mind

Presentation at the UCT Summer School, the pdf is available on the Future Water Institute website.

Kevin asked me to present on Innovations in Urban Water Management, through talking about my house. Instead I wanted to talk about systems, and took a term from the start-up scene ‘keeping the end in mind’, as in, keep your goal in mind, what you want to achieve, or what you want to sell it for. But really, we’re working with systems, and I want to focus on where these systems, these loops come full circle.

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Jouissance toilet

My house was featured in Earthworks. Obviously I’m thrilled, but also a tad apprehensive. While I have a dry toilet in an affluent (medium density) urban environment, I am not suggesting that people at large use this; the practitioners (specifically Richard Holden) seem to agree that flush toilets remain the best default option – from a (rather centralised) waste management perspective. I don’t know how much of that is user psychology, I don’t think we’ve explored the options from the city planning, health, waste management and engineering sides… hence my interest. On the other hand, it’s worth taking a leap and seeing where it goes. So, one step at a time. Continue reading “Jouissance toilet”

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