I’ve been thinking about income, and what I’m willing to charge for. I’m not willing to charge for consulting, for example, and have been thinking about why.
I think my knowledge is worth more than most people are willing to pay. And probably not directly linked to any ROI they’ll get based on my advice. Charging would likely just have them avoid me altogether. But me sharing my advice with them might still be useful, and they might have something to share that similarly is worth more than I’m willing to pay. Networks, experience, stuff like that.
Having said that, I do think cash/income/currency is valuable. I don’t want to ‘leave the economy’ or only do the sharing economy or whatever.
But I think we need to confine the currency stuff to things that are worth about as much as we’re willing to pay. Food, generally. Crafts, tools…
So I think for knowledge workers as much as artists … Get a day job, relevant but likely not identical to your passion, that pays the bills. Do the other stuff for free, and maybe the occasional paid commission for bonus.