Nanette – by Hannah Gadsby. Selected bits from the transcript.
Mediation – Complicating the Water / Engineering Narratives
Some notes from the piece “Complicating the Narratives” by Amanda Ripley / Solutions Journalism Network about the current US divide.
Paraphrased: Conflict is important. The power of stories is to help people find a way through that conflict.
Continue reading “Mediation – Complicating the Water / Engineering Narratives”
Engineers: we need to talk.
Something happened today which made me think about how we deal with ‘respect’, and the ‘old guard’ and ‘engineers’. I’m still processing what happened and many of the people I am discussing this with requests confidentiality, so maybe I’ll update this later once we agree on it all and have their permission. It did remind me of a few things, most notably a workshop on complexity we had in March 2018.
Sometimes when people ask me why Future Water exists, before I go into the transdisciplinary blah blah company line, I say that we’re trying to teach engineers to talk to other people. It started as a joke, because it was launched by a team who consisted mostly of engineers, and is currently hosted in the Engineering Faculty, but I am more and more convinced that is what our true purpose is.
Peopling rather than experting
I’ve just given another paid workshop, to an audience I at first felt like I have no rapport with – they’re public administrators. My slides were technical, an attempt from my side to show that this is serious, that I did my homework – a common academic / engineer fault, I suppose. But I spoke personally. I’ve slowly decided personal and authentic is my brand, and to hell with it. Shit’s my thing, deal with it. And they loved it. I don’t know if they’re convinced, and frankly, I don’t care. They listened and that is the first step. More on this a bit later. Continue reading “Peopling rather than experting”
Motto in the drought
After being caught with a dirty house yet again when a film crew arrives, I decided to just embrace it ….
Embrace your inner scruffy. Design it well from the start.
It being anything from good quality odour absorbing clothes, low maintenance houses, rainwater collection devices …
House Jouissance
My house. Completed (as far as houses are ever ‘completed’) in September 2016.