This is part of a journey to learn to visualise what a water conscious city looks like, to help everyday people to thrive in water scarce environments. This is the goal of the AquaSavvy campaign and underscores my academic work at the Future Water Institute.
So far I’m learning how to work with RHINO and GRASSHOPPER. Baby steps. 🙂
I also discovered this coursera course about Geodesign, and am popping cool links here for reference.
City Engine seems to be a very pretty tool and useful for what I thik I want to do, keen to explore it further (hopefully with the next Geospatial Coursera MOOC)
Of course, one day when I am smart enough I will do map related data visualisations and stuff.
Other stuff: a clear overview of design thinking.
The coursera course featured Dr. Douglas Olson giving a talk at the 2014 Geodesign Summit. His talk is titled “Geodesign for the City-Region: Three Scales, Three Approaches.” Dr. Olson is President of O2 Planning + Design, based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.