Bio-economy, Green Economy and the Circular Economy – same same?

It’s confusing, isn’t it? They are mostly political terms, so the exact definitions are probably non-existent, but let’s settle for vague. I do think they’re different and important to distinguish, so here’s my stab at explaining what the differences are between bio-, green and the circular economy, and then I throw in water sensitive design as a bonus. Oh, and distributed. That’s what all of these have in common. This is just my opinion, of course.

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Scaling water interventions

Conversation with someone chatting to me after the UCT water crisis lecture today (by the way, this Future Water page has many interviews and chats about the crisis, in balances informed tones). I didn’t go. Was duckfood shopping with a brief stop to do retail therapy. (The stress to submit the thesis has caused insomnia and to get myself to fall asleep I have been watching, wait for it, nail art videos.) So I went buying nail art stuff. Yup. Glitterified.)

Neil’s been working on sustainable urban water management for a long time. –
His comment about the rainwater tanks (being: rain tanks are a waste of money for the amount of buffering they provide) comes from his PhD student Lloyd Fischer- Jeffes’s work, where they saw that rainwater is more expensive than stormwater harvesting and managed aquifer recharge – which is effectively a huuuuuuge rainwater tank underneath the city.

[another UCT researcher said “imagine if 1/2 a million people had 2000 litre rain tanks, that would be 1000 million litres of water buffered. ]

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